Friday, March 30, 2007

Prime design / time design

It has taken me until now to finally practice my refreshed web design skills in earnest. I started taking the web designer course at AcademyX in late January, so it's about time!

And the time in this case was the Cesar Chavez holiday, which makes for a welcome early start to the weekend. It also makes up for not having a day off on Columbus Day.

I started this morning on messing with the design for the Rasputin Manifesto site for my own amusement, and had run into some frustration with linking to the style sheet I was trying to create. As Noon approached, I put my work down and went for a swim.

It took until well after dinner for me to finally sit back down and get to it -- there were plenty of distractions to engage me, such as setting up the new external hard drive I bought, transferring and deleting files, laundry, etc. Anything to put off linking this stupid style sheet! Well, once I finally got it linked and got around to adding some IDs, I realized what one of my other problems was earlier in the day -- I was adding the "#" symbol to my div IDs, which explained why none of the formatting was sticking. The "#" symbol (or as our Dreamweaver instructor enjoyed calling it, the "octathorp") belonged on the ID in the style sheet, not the div ID. Got it.

After that I was jammin', until padding in one of my divs started creating more headaches. It was a good run though. It just took the right music to get me going. And the music that made it happen was...

Miles Davis' Get Up With It.

I should have known. Miles' music from the '70s has inspired me in the past. Witness the craziness that my pastels created while listening to Miles' Dark Magus live album during my sophomore year of college:

There's just something in the music, some sort of energy, that puts me in a place to create. It must be Miles himself, for he had the same effect on the musicians who played with him. This is something I know, yet consistently forget.

I cannot forget anymore!

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