Thursday, May 10, 2007

Band workshop update with photos (and guitars!)

I have my own digital camera, and I have a perfect forum for sharing my digital photos. Yet, it seems I always forget to carry the stupid the thing with me! Fortunately, my coworker and bandmate Julie seems to have hers on hand almost every day.

Here are a couple of photos she took during our last band workshop rehearsal:

That's me playing guitar.

And here is our fearless leader, Bill Spooner.

We've made it through four weeks of rehearsals, so we're fast approaching the midway point before the big performance in June. We've gotten through nine songs so far at various levels of competency, so there is still a lot of work to be done. And more will be done tonight and over the weekend.



funcrunch said...

Glad you like the pics :-) I don't really carry my camera with me all that often, but had it on Saturday for 24 Hours of Flickr.

Anonymous said...

Good words.