Tuesday, July 1, 2008

"A Day in the Life," Shakey style

Thanks to Isorski for tipping us off on this recent performance of "A Day in the Life" by Neil Young this past Sunday in Dublin, Ireland. See, the Beatles were full of it when they said that the Pepper material couldn't be done live by a small rock band. So what if you can't fit an orchestra on the stage? Who needs all that lot when you have guitar distortion? Neil shows us how it's done, and it's done quite beautifully. This video really made my evening:

Let's all hope he keeps this one in his set list when he makes his way back to the States...

1 comment:

Doug MacGunnigle said...

how funny! I posted this on my blog tonight as well. I even like it better than mccartneys recent version (although its cool he did mrs Vanderbilt in Russia).